Hatteras Sailing to Host a US SAILING Small Boat Instructor Course Nov 8-9, 2021
To further our objective of high level sailing education to Hatteras Island Youth, Hatteras Sailing is hosting a Level 1 Small Boat Instructor Course in Buxton this November 8 – 9. This is a certification course with US SAILING, where part of the course is done Online and then for 2 days an Instructor Evaluator comes to our location to see how well Instructor Candidates do actually sailing on the water and with teaching techniques.
The space is limited for this program to about 10 Candidates. Registrations must be in no later than October 15, 2021. Please contact us at HatterasSailing.org for further information and registration. For further information on the Course, prerequisites and registration fees, please go to the US SAILING website .