Who: whole club
When: 10am – 5pm**
Where: Clubhouse to Canadian Hole
Schedule of Events
10:00am – Sail To Beach
It is far easier to sail the boats to the beach and back than it is to trailer them over. Here is the list of boat assignments..as always weather dependent.
** We should be rigged and ready at noon.
1:30pm – 3:00pm Mini Regatta
In a show of fun sailing and the lighthearted spirit of inter-club competition, we will host a short three race Opti Class series for the sailors.
3:00pm – Barbecue & Independent Sailing
Jay will bring his giant cooler of ice. Bring your own drinks, side dishes, desserts, and snacks. The club will get some pork and chicken to put on the BBQ! Monitor and make comments here if you plan to bring a side,snack, or dessert. Thank you to all!
Bring beach tents, etc that you would normally have for a family fun day at the beach. Come for all or part. Everyone is invited to sail and enjoy the club boats!
Kid Sailing: Opti & 420 Class
Adult Sailing: Hobie, Stiletto, & 420 Opportunities for all ages to sail on 420, Stiletto, and Hobie.