2025 High School Sailing Kickoff Sponsor !




Please help our High School age sailors raise some money to pay for their program !  Without State, County or Fed funding this program is very expensive for a local family. One thing that helps the program the best is participation!  This takes marketing and advertising.  The kids design posters and flyers to distribute over the upcoming weeks to spread the word of the Interest Meeting.  This 2025 Season Interest Meeting is at the Colington Firehouse on Saturday February 1 at 1:00 PM.  Please come show your support and learn more about the program that is now going into its 5th Season !  Your $100 donation or sponsorship goes a long way.  Donors we are able to put a big Thank You on the Poster and Website and you can benefit by it being a tax deductible expense.  Sponsors we can put your business branding on the posters, website, and any public service announcement possible.  Thank you for considering a sponsorship to keep this great program available to Outer Banks Youth!

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