2024 Cape Hatteras Lighthouse One Design Regatta Festival

** SAYRA Jr. Grand Prix Event **

KOA Cape Hatteras September 26-28, 2025


Dinner Tickets & Gear


Friday, Sep 26

5:00pm: Check-In

Check in at the competitor’s bonfire from 5pm until dark Friday evening. You will be able to pickup all the regatta swag and information shirts, bottomless beer glasses, and welcome packages. Late check-in is from 8 – 9 am on Saturday.

5:00pm Competitor Bonfire

Join us for Pamlico Deli’s BBQ Beach Party Bonfire and Ghost Crabbing Tournament. Head over to the ocean for surfing, snacks, and smore’s at the competitor’s bonfire. A Hatteras Sailing tradition, we paddle out and enjoy the sunset by the bonfire before racing Saturday morning.

**Pick up your Boat Building Supplies & ask questions about the build and rules.

Saturday, Sep 27

9:00am: Late Check-In

At the Main Event Tent in the soundside lot.

9:00am: Skipper’s Meeting

At the Main Event Tent in the soundside lot.

9:30am: First Warning

1:00pm Angelo’s Pizza Lunch

Sailors will come back to shore for pizza lunch by Angelo’s Pizza at the Main Event Tent in the soundside lot.

5:30pm Last Start

Racing to be finished and boats put away no later than 5pm.

6:00pm 1718 Brewery Ocracoke & Outer Banks Boil Company Sponsored Seafood Boil

Live Music, & Seafood Boil sponsored by Outer Banks Boil and 1718 Ocracoke Brewery at the KOA Main Stage.

Sunday, Sep 28

8:30 am Skipper’s Meeting

At the Main Event Tent in the soundside lot.

9:00 am First Warning

2:00 pm Last start 

All sailing should be finished by 2:15. Boats stowed by 3pm.

3:00 pm: Phillip’s Boatworks Boat Builders Challenge

Race your own home made boat. We will get ourselves together as soon as sailing competitors come off the race course. At the SailStiletto tent in the soundside lot.

3:30 pm Awards Ceremony

1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners in each class including the paddle races and Opti Green will be presented awards.

Notice of Race


Host and Organizer – Hatteras Community Sailing

Phone & Text: 855-410-7245

Email: info@hatterassailing.org

Principal Race Officer – Jay Phillips

Eligibility & Entry

The Annual Cape Hatteras Lighthouse One Design regatta is open to Optimist, Sunfish, ILCA, Club 420, Hobie 16, and all the SAYRA One Design Classes that have 3 or more boats register by September 15th, 2024. Other one design fleets may register with a minimum of 3 boats within each respective class. Classes shall meet eligibility requirements no later than September 12, 2024. A minimum of five entries is required for a class to become and remain eligible for a Class Start.

** Additional classes may be added at the discretion of Hatteras Sailing.

** All entries MUST be registered by Sep-26, 2024 at 5:00pm.

** Registration and tickets are non-refundable after Sep-12, 2022

**Note: There will be no onsite registrations. Please register online

Sailing Instructions

the course diagrams


  1. Rules
    1. The Regatta will be governed by these sailing instructions and by the
      Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of US Sailing, and the rules of
      the Class Associations of boats entered in this regatta.
  2. Entries
    1. Registration is to be completed online via HatterasSailing.org.
    2. Communication during the regatta will happen via the Team-Text messaging system by class.
    3. Additional information will be provided for each registration via email after you complete your registration.
    4. There is no limit to the numbers you can add to the Team-Text system per registration.
  3. Safety and Environmental Awareness
    1. A boats shall carry all equipment required by her class rules.
    2. USCG-approved PFDs shall be worn by each sailor.
    3. Boats shall check in with the race committee boat at the starting area
      before racing.
    4. Boats that retire from a race or before racing for the day is over shall
      notify the race committee as soon as possible.
    5. A Boat requesting assistance should attempt to signal by
      waving an extended arm.
    6. Boats observed purposefully discharging trash into the water will be
      subject to sanctions up to and including disqualification from all races.
  4. Notices to Competitors
    1. Notices to competitors will be posted in real time on the home page of HatterasSailing.org.
  5. Changes to Sailing Instructions
    1. Any change to these sailing instructions will be posted on the Official
      Notice of Race page on HatterasSailing.org and clearly marked as an “UPDATE”.
  6. Schedule of Races
    1. The Competitors Meeting will be Saturday morning as outlined in the
      NOR with launch to follow.
    2. The Warning Signal for subsequent races shall follow the preceding
    3. The race committees will set courses to best achieve a 10-15 minute race with the goal of finishing 6-8 races throughout the 2 days of sailing.
    4. Race committee may square the course over the lunch break on Saturday, but no course will be squared on Sunday racing.
  7. Class Designation
    1. Fleet flags used in the starting sequence in will be
      designated at the Competitor’s meeting.
  8. Racing Area
    1. The racing areas will be in the Pamlico Sound between the triangle of Canadian Hole/Kite Point, Brigands Bay Point, and the area noted on charts as The Clam Shoals. Additional course areas to be added as needed.
    2. Spectators may be able to watch from the beach at both Haulover areas or from boats as available. Spectator location recommendations will be noted in the skippers meeting.
    3. Spectator and coach boat launch is available at the clubhouse. Dockage is limited, but there is an area for safe anchorage and beaching.
  9. The Course
    1. The course will be a Windward/Leeward course with Upwind Finishes. The number of Legs will be determined and signaled by the Race Committee Boat at the Start Line before the warning signal.
    2. Further course and sailing instructions will be outlined at the skippers meeting. The course for each class will be displayed on the course board near the race committee boat.
  10. Marks
    1. The rounding marks for all classes will be inflatable marks, the color and shape
      of which will be designated at the Skipper’s Meeting of the respective
      race courses.
    2. The starting and finishing marks may be inflatable or cylindrical
  11. The Start
    1. The Three-Minute flag hoist sequence will be used with whistle start sequence for all classes.
    2. The starting line will be between the staff from which
      an orange flag is displayed on the RC signal boat and the starting mark. A
      mark boat may substitute for a starting mark.
    3. Boats starting more than four (4) minutes late may not be scored, if
      such start interferes with a subsequent class.
    4. Recalls: The Race Committee will attempt to hail OCS boats after the starting
      signal. Timeliness, lack of a hail, order of hailing or failure to hear a hail shall not be grounds for granting redress.
  12. Change of Course After the Start
    1. A change of course after the start will be signaled before the leading boat
      has begun the leg, although the new mark may not then be in position.
      Any mark to be rounded after rounding the new mark may be relocated
      without further signaling to maintain the original course configuration.
  13. The Finish
    1. The finishing line will be between a staff displaying an orange flag on a committee boat and the adjacent finishing mark. A mark boat may be used in lieu of the finishing mark.
    2. Immediately after downwind finishes, all boats are requested to trim
      mainsails to display sail numbers to the race committee.
  14. Time Limit
    1. Boats failing to finish within fifteen (15) minutes after the first boat
      finishes will be scored “Did Not Finish.” In the interest of time, the Race Committee may elect to score boats that it determines cannot finish within the time limit DNF and start a subsequent race.
  15. Protests
    1. Protests shall be written on forms available from the Race Committee and delivered to the committee
      boat within the Protest Time which will begin when the committee boat
      docks and end 20 minutes later.
    2. The Protest Committee will hear protests in approximately the order
      of receipt and as soon as possible.
    3. A boat may not protest a boat for an alleged breach of RRS 75.2
      (Eligibility) with respect to ISAF Regulation 19, nor for alleged breaches of
      sailing instructions 3 & 20. This changes Rule 60. The penalty for breaking
      these instructions may be less than disqualification, at the sole discretion
      of the protest committee.
    4. It is highly encouraged all protests be managed on the water as
    5. Parents/coaches will be required to attend and assist green fleet sailors with any protests.
    6. Protests will be heard regarding on the water coaching violations (see rule 19.1, 19.2)
  16. Scoring
    1. The Low-Point scoring system, Appendix A, RRS, will apply.
    2. If four or more races are sailed, each boat’s worst score will be
  17. Awards
    1. Award will be presented to the top three sailors in each class.
  18. Boats
    1. All support boats are welcome. All support boats are required to
      notify registration of their intent to be near the course, as well as which
      boats they are supporting.
    2. By registering as a support boat, the operator(s)
      acknowledge their obligation to: 1) not interfere with any ongoing race; 2)
      to render aid to any sailors in distress, 3) to monitor the racecourse safety
      channel, and; 4) to set the example in terms of safety and on-the-water
      decorum, including trash disposal.
  19. On-the-water coaching is encouraged for all Green fleets.
    1. Coaching between all races is encouraged and acceptable in all classes. Coaches must cease all coaching as soon as the first start warning signal is blown.
    2. Race-time coaching is only for sailors in a lower half position in the race being sailed.
    3. Failure to adhere to these on the water coaching standards could result a DNF for each race in which this rule is violated.