Election Results
- Chairman – Jay Phillips
- V Chair – Robert Moscowitz
- Secretary – Amy Hakola
- Treasurer – Chip Hammack
- Member at Large – Tater Gaskins
- Member at Large – Erin Vetter
- Member at Large – Nathan Snead
Congratulations to our new Directors! The future of Hatteras Sailing is in your hands now!
It is time to elect the board for Hatteras Sailing Organization.
If you are a member, expect to receive a text message with a voting link. Voting will require two-factor authentication and only one person of a family membership member will be able to cast a vote.
What to expect
Everyone on our team text messaging group text will receive a notification when the board voting links have been sent. That way, everyone knows that the vote is happening. If you are a voting member of Hatteras Sailing Organization, you will receive an additional text with a voting link. Click the link to open the voting and registration app, and follow the instructions provided in the app. It’s super easy.
Who gets to vote?
For all memberships, the billing phone number provided on the membership will receive the voting link. So only one vote is cast per family membership. If you feel you should have gotten a link and do not, please reach out to our sitting Chairman, Jay Phillips, at 252-999-9659, and he will reference the membership roster and see what could be the problem.
Board Seats and nominations
Director of the organization Board of Directors and Committees.. Chairperson should nurture and direct the organization towards its goals and objectives as best possible. This includes delegating to others and teaching them how to accomplish the many objectives and tasks needed to make a strong, healthy, financially stable, inclusive, and constantly growing organization.
- Jay Phillips
Vice Chairman
Assist the Chairperson and Board with whatever is needed and be prepared at anytime to fill in or back up the Chairperson in the event of illness, travel commitments, or anything that might take him/her away from his duties.
- Coach Bob
Keep records of Board Meetings, Membership Rosters, Club Directory, Update Content on the website as directed by the Board or Chairman, especially consent and liability waivers.
- Amy Hakola
Good knowledge of accounting principles. Helping the organization keep its non profit status and meet all IRS Filing Deadlines with the assistance of a paid accounting or CPA Firm. Special Attention to nurturing membership, fundraising ideas, and delegation to people who can help achieve these things. Treasurer should help select effective Fundraising and Membership Directors
- Chip Hammack
Members At Large
There are 3 additional members per the IRS recommendation for Non Profit Boards. These members help balance the votes and decide on important policy decisions for the organization and should have some useful skills and experience to add to the wisdom and knowledge of the Board of Directors.
- Nathan Snead
- Erin Vetter
- Geoff Grisham
- Larry McClanahan
- Tater Gaskins
- Jay Crawford
Vote Results
[board_vote_tally post_id=”1003″]