Outer Banks Youth Can NowParticipate in the South Atlantic Interscholastic Sailing Association (SAISA)’s High School Sailing Series
23/24 High School Sailing: Hatteras Community Sailing is organizing and coaching the 23/34 Outer Banks High School Sailing. Join us at the Kickoff Meeting 6pm Friday September 8th Nags Head Fishing Pier. Sailors can hang out on the beach, go surfing, and get to know each other while the parents work out the logistics, finances, organization, and practice carpool schedule.
- Kick Off Meeting: Sep 8th at 6pm Nags Head Fishing Pier
- First Practice is 9am-2pm on Saturday, September 9th.
- 8-12th grade are eligible regardless of sailing experience
- Students from Cape Hatteras Secondary School, Manteo, First Flight, and Homeschools are all eligible

- Step 1: Complete the Registration Form
- Step 2: Come to the Kick Off Meeting
- Step 3: Show up at the first practice Sep 9th at 9am at the Hatteras Sailing Center