Club Supporters working hard to acquire the Fish House Restaurant Property in Buxton to be new Hatteras Sailing Center.
Thanks to a wonderful core group of supporters and Directors, community sailing program has been consistently running and growing. The second Summer Session is ending early August and the registration for Fall’s Eight Week Session is now opened up! All 6 of our 8 week sessions over the past 2 years has seen full classes of 8 kids. Volunteers have stepped up to help run the beginner, intermediate, and advanced programs and our advanced sailors have now competed in regional competitions with great results.
Albeit severely battered from hurricanes and floods, the Fish House Restaurant Property at Buxton Harbor came up for sale this season and some of the business minded members/supporters have decided to take a stab at investing in the property for the benefit of Hatteras Community Sailing. An agreement has been reached between Club investors and the property owner, with the closing of the deal contingent on sorting out some of the property line irregularities.
In the meantime, an interim lease purchase agreement is in place, so that we can begin repairing and cleaning up the property for use by the Hatteras Sailing Organization. Several volunteers have graciously donated time, tools, effort and hard work to initial cleanup of the weeds, lawn, ramp and we are now turning our focus toward the flood damaged structure–previously the Fish House Restaurant Building and its outbuildings.
Help is needed in all its various forms! If you would like to support Hatteras Sailing’s effort to clean up and get the building clean and safe again, please contact us! Here is a short list of repair priorities to make the building usable once more.
- Stopping Roof Leaks, Repairing Rotten Roofing and Replacing some sheathing completely
- Bulkhead Repairs and Backfilling holes and voids along the bulkheads
- Mold remediation. Once dried out, a very deep cleaning will be needed to get the mildew and mold out of the mostly cement core structure and wooden additions.
- Electrical Work. With flooding problems, electrical safety is a high priority. The electrical still works in the building but circuits need to be checked and new outlets, switches, dimmers, light fixtures etc should replace old corroded ones
- Deck Repairs – The backyard deck needs to be moved back to its original location and leveled and refastened.
- Dock Repairs – Docks had previously been cantilevered over the bulkhead in the back yard. Lifted and dropped back down in floods, the docks need to be patched and repaired for safe use again.
- Driveway Modifications – Safe and organized parking is important for the safety of the kids that will be moving and rigging boats in the yard. We are looking at a circular driveway and parking lot organization that has an entrance and exit.
- Plumbing – New hot water heater
- HVAC – Repair of the 5Ton Unit that was flooded outside the building.
- Debris Removal and Dump Runs – Lots of rusty equipment needs to be removed and taken to the dump
While there is a lot of work to do, club organizers and investors realize this is for the long run! So the philosophy is to take it bit by bit and work our way through the problems to make the property a useful and productive place to be enjoyed by the community.
The long term vision is to have things ready for the daily and weekly operations for next season, as well as the events center for hosting a regional sailing regatta here on Hatteras Island. We also envision offering some boating related services such as sail repair, canvas, and boatbuilding education programs consistent with the club’s mission to promote and protect the maritime history of sailing in the Outer Banks.
If you would like to be a Sponsor, Contributor, Volunteer Worker or help in a any other form, we need your help! Hatteras Sailing is a Non Profit Volunteer organization created to nurture maritime education and sailing competition for local Hatteras Island Youth! We feel strongly that preserving and maintaining maritime skills and trades is vital to preserving, celebrating and continuing the heritage of Island Communities like Hatteras Island. Sailing in particular is a lifelong sport and possible future vocation for our Island Kids. Call 252-489-8193 or email info@hatterassailing.org