Ages: 18+ years old
Cost: $45
Number of Participants: Min 4 / Max 8
Dates: Apr 8, 15, 22, 29 Time: Mon 10am – 12pm
Bring: Sunscreen, swimming shoes, snack & reusable water bottle
Details: Introduction to Hatteras Sailing’s fleet of sailboats. Go sailing each Monday for 4 weeks and experience different types of sailboats including: 42’ Sabre Cruising Boat, 27’ Stiletto Catamaran, and Melges 24 Keelboat. Learn the basics of how sailing works, wind indicators, points of sail, and basic boat part terminology.(** this activity is reserved for residents and non-resident property owners. Proof of residency is required)
Registration: After you’ve checked out, please complete the registration form at this link. If you need a scholarship, fill out the registration form and make a note in the “other information” field. To apply for a scholarship, click here.
2024 Spring/Summer Sailing – Registration Form