Event Gallery
UPDATE (Posted Fri, Jul 22, 9am)
Due To High Wind Prediction, Summer Scrimmage is Moved to Sunday Afternoon at The Sailing Center
LOCATION: Hatteras Sailing Center
TIME: 1pm – 4pm
Please meet at the Sailing Center at 1pm. We will sail multihulls to the scrimmage arena and watch our kids sail around the marks. After, we will return to the sailing center and have awards under the tent.
======== Original Post =========
A favorite club tradition
Summer’s Scrimmage Flotilla Beach Party: Let’s Sail to Canadian Hole
What’s New? Just a little friendly competition
Our sailors have learned so much this summer sailing season. We can’t wait to show off our skills in a little expedition scrimmage. Beach Party starts at 11am and continues until we leave with the boats. Sailors be rigged and ready at 10:30am. Drive or sail, but plan on attending this fun day at the beach with boats as we wrap up summer sailing session with a scrimmage and the awards ceremony for youth sailing.
Club members, parents, and kids who plan to drive, please chill out on the beach set up tents, snacks, music, and kick off the fun. Members – reserve seats on the Big Boats and sail flotilla style to Canadian Hole.
WHAT: Summer’s Scrimmage Flotilla Beach Party
WHEN: July-23rd, 11am-4pm
WHERE: Canadian Hole (south of the bathrooms)
IF YOU WANT TO SAIL TO CANADIAN HOLE -> you must reserve seats on the boat you want to sail so we don’t overload the boats. No cost, but we need you to reserve your spot. We plan to take as much of the fleet as we can. DO NOT BE LATE! We will leave the dock by 11:00am at the latest. Please arrive at 10:30am to board the boats. We will sound a 3 minute start sequence for the big boat race to the beach.
RACING SAILORS WILL BE SAILING THIER OWN BOATS TO THE BEACH! If your name is on this list, we are planning that you are sailing your boat to the party. RIGGED AND READY BY 10:30AM. ARRIVE AT 10AM. If you sail 420, we need to make sure you have a partner to sail with so please RSVP.
Sailfish Optis
Ellis Gaskins
Will Raez
Beau Phillips
Jacob liner
Joey Lettieri
Seaton Hawpe
Gary Austin
Ford Sumner
Wahoo C420
Christopher Myers
Hunter Wompierski
Owen Austin
Parker Doerr
Noah Phillips
Marissa Liner
Max Syrrist
Eoghan Ryan
IF YOU WANT TO DRIVE AND. MEET US THERE -> Our plan is to leave the dock no later than 11am. It will take around 30-45 minutes to sail over there depending on the wind. Take lots of photos. Its really pretty to watch the fleet sailing up to the beach!
Once we are at Canadian Hole, we will have drinks, snacks, games, and lots of fun. All parents will have an opportunity to see your kids show off their sailing skills in a parade / scrimmage depending on the level of sailor and the weather. Before the boats head back to the sailing center, we will have an awards ceremony on the beach to congratulate our new and experienced sailors and graduate any sailors who have been invited onto the competition teams.
RACE TO THE BEACH: Did I mention that there may be a prize for the first big boat to get to the beach? In the spirit of Summer Scrimmage, which big boat will get to the beach first? Rules? Sailing Instructions? Race To Alaska Rules – simplified for our club.
- 3 Minute Start to cross the first red triangle marker
- First Big Boat to cross the scrimmage start line wins
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