Spring 2022
Every Weekly Class begins with chalk talk, a video lesson on form or tactics, or a guest coach speaking with the kiddos about advanced competitive sailing topics.
Advanced Sailors will likely sail in almost any weather that is safe to sail in. Please do not let the cost of the gear frighten you. Frequently, we can find sponsors for the advanced group’s gear. Proper gear is important. Each team member will need the following:
- good sailing gloves
- hats
- sunglasses
- sunblock
- wetsuits – variety for all weather conditions
- foul weather rain gear
- booties
- harnesses
Knowledge Component
Sailing is a never ending learning experience that continues throughout a sailor’s life. In keeping with that, these topics will be taught in small, manageable chunks before and after sailing skill practice.
Over time, it is our goal to create a learning material post on each of these topics which can then be used as a guideline for coaches and learning resource for sailors and parents. For now, this bullet list is a good start.

Chalk Talk Topics
- Sailboat Kinetics – Balance, Center of Effort, Center of Lateral Resistance, Weight, Weather Helm
- Sails – Sail Types, Parts, Design, How Sails Work, Draft, Chord, Sail Adjustments
- Sailboat Hulls – Rudders, Centerboards, Keels, Bottom Shapes, Water Flow, Friction, Resistance
- Sailing for Speed – Consistent Speed, Heel, Helm, Maneuvers
- Points of Sail – Sail Trim for Speed at All Points of Sail
- Sailboat Racecourse – Different Courses, Upwind/Downwind, Reaching Courses, Laylines, Startlines, Finish Lines, Turning Marks, Racing Course Instructions
- Starts – How to win the Start Line! Current, Wind Direction, Favored Side of Course, Wind Shifts, Rules related to the Start, Favored Side of the Line.
- Mark Roundings – Rules related to Mark Roundings, Communication, Positioning ahead of time, Using Roundings to increase your lead.
- Finishes – Favored side of the Finish Line, Upwind Finishing, Downwind Finishing, Shooting the Finish
- Upwind Sailing – Sailing Closehauled, Helmsmanship, Correct Sail Trim, Changing Gears, Weight Distribution, Tacking Techniques, Crossing and Wind/Leeward Rules
- Downwind Sailing – Non Spinnaker Sailing, Downwind Sailing Angles for Speed, Rules Related to Downwind Sailing, Covering/Blanketing Wind, Spinnaker Sailing.
- Reaching Courses – How to Sail Effectively, tactics for success
- Rigging – Line Types and Purposes, Knots, Boat Setup and Tuning
- Boat Care Sail Care, and Sailing Terminology
Skills & Drills
On the Water
Each week will have a focus topic, and include drills reinforcing lessons from previous weeks. Program planning needs to adjust to current weather conditions. However, it is our plan to meet on bad weather days and review knowledge material together, and possibly watch movies and videos about racing topics and discuss.
- Week 1 – Upwind Sailing Technique, Tacking Technique, Hiking and Boat Balance
- Week 2 – Starts. Winning the Start frequently Wins the Race
- Week 3 – Downwind Sailing Techniques
- Week 4 – Summing Up the Race Course. Favored Tack, Favored Side of the Course, Favored Side of the Line, Current, Understanding Wind Shifts
- Week 5 – Mark Roundings. Smart weight distribution, Steering as little as possible, tactics and strategy, laylines
- Week 6 – Practice Races. Whole Course Races
- Week 7 – Light Wind Sailing vs Heavy Wind Sailing
Regattas & Travel Meets
Our plan is to have at least two travel regattas and we are trying to plan an event to happen here at our home course also. We will be in touch with the parents of team sailors and volunteers as we plan events to fundraise and initiate detailed planning. We have added a regattas section to the website so we can keep track of the travel calendar.