Intro To Sailing (Lesson 1) Welcome to Hatteras Community Sailing (HCS). HCS is a One Design Community Sailing Program centrally located on Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Community Sailing Program HCS is a US Sailing Community Sailing Program. We are a not for profit 501(3)c sailing program overseen by a local […]
420 Capsize Recovery
Steps for C420 Capsize Recovery Step Skipper Crew 1. Loudly “I am okay. Are you okay?” Loudly “I am okay. Are you okay?” 2. “I am okay” “I am okay” 3. Crew swims to the head of the mast and holds it on shoulder while treading water. Loudly says “I’ve got the mast” 4.. Skipper […]
2024 Interscholastic Sailing Season
OBX NOW HAS HIGH SCHOOL SAILING! Sailing is a lifelong adventure like no other. Hundreds of kids from all across North Carolina are participating … and now so can you. Open to 8-12th graders from First Flight, Manteo, Hatteras, Ocracoke, and Homeschools => Last year Hatteras Community Sailing and Colington Yacht Club leadership worked together […]
5-Day Beginner Optimist Camp Orientation
Beginner Optimist Camp Orientation Goals The goal of the 5-Day Beginner Optimist Camp is to have fun and learn basic boat handling skills in light to moderate conditions. By the end of the week sailors should be able to sail an upwind Figure-8 course and a shallow triangle. Excellent performance would be completing a windward […]
2023 Regatta Schedule
2023 Regattas Chartering Club Boats for Regattas Travel regattas are optional to all sailors. 420 Race Team partnerships will be managed at the sole discretion of the coaches. Club boats are reserved for HCS race teams and members for all regattas. There is no fee for chartering an HCS club boat for local or travel […]
Spring 2023- Opti Practice #1
Roll Tack Practice & Homework What happens during a race if my tacking technique is not as good as the sailor just behind me in a race? Learn the proper steps and posture for a roll tack. Watch yourself tack. Watch YouTube Videos on proper roll tack posture. Learn from comparing with a textbook roll […]
Learn To Sail: Flying Scot
Essential Sailing Knots We will review these in class and talk about when to use each of these. Points of Sail We will review these again in class. Second link for points of sail: This is so important that I am going to send you a few videos just to diversify the explanations […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: SailStiletto to the Clam Shoals
When: Moderate Winds Where: Hatteras Sailing Center on Pamlico Sound Sail Stiletto 27 Catamaran to the Clam Shoals Paddle boards Kayaks Sailing Cape Explorers board the Stiletto-27 for a sail to the clam shoals. Once you get out there, paddle, swim, kayak, and search for clams, sting rays, learn about the wildlife, explore, and play.
Cape Explorer Adventures: Swim, Paddle, and Sail
When: Moderate to light wind Where: Hatteras Sailing Center on Pamlico Sound Paddle, Swim, and Sail Paddle boards Kayaks Wake boards Optimists Club 420 Cape Explorers get ready to have some fun on the water, learn about some sailing basics, do some introduction sailing. We will rig up a couple boats and some can do […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: Oceanside Beach Cat Sailing
When: On light wind sideshore days in Frisco Where: Ramp 49 in Frisco Oceanside Beach Cat Sailing Hobie Cats and other beach cats are actually designed to sail right off the beach, and to be a good beachcat sailor it helps to learn the waves and to be a good surfer. For camps with the […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: Hiking And History in Hatteras at the Shipwreck Museum
When: On Windy Days Where: Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum Hiking And History in Hatteras Why is the diamond shoals area called the Graveyard Of The Atlantic? Let’s find out when we visit the shipwreck museum on Hatteras Village and hike down the 4×4 trails towards the inlet. We can cool off in the ocean, […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: Hiking, History, and Adventure
When: On Windy Days Where: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Let’s go hiking, learn some history, and have an adventure. Did you know that the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse as moved — the whole thing? Pretty cool history. There are also some fun hiking trails nearby and nice access to the beach. On days that are too windy […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: Introduction to junior sailing
When: Light Wind Days Where: Hatteras Sailing Center on Pamlico Sound Introduction to Junior Sailing Optimist sailboats Club 420 Depending on the age and size of the camper, we will pre-rig Opti or Club 420 and pair up experienced sailors with new sailors. Coaches will give introductory chalk talks, and we will work on tipping […]
Cape Explorer Adventures: Protected Sound Access North of Buxton
When: High Winds Where: Soundside beach access north of Buxton Village Parents Drop Off At the Soundside Beach Access Paddle boards Kayaks Optis with no sails Cape Explorers play in the sound, paddle around, play, learn about high wind, what white caps mean, how to judge wind speed and direction, and how to find protected […]
Beginner’s Program – Week 1 Pool Party
Swimming Pool Fun Chalk Talk Why is swimming important to sailing? Did you know that being a confident swimmer is part of sailing? Did you know that little sailboats can capsize and be righted? Get in the water swimming practice evaluation referrals to swim lessons between sailing sessions Parents & Members Parents: Kids need to […]
420 Team Week 1
Week 1 Show me what you know! Today is the only day you don’t need to be rigged by 2! Today we will be going over everything you know. The coaches are going to be the students and the students are going to be the coaches. This way we can design a program for the […]
420 Team Week 1 Island Party
Week 1 Friday Island Party All kids, parents, siblings are invited Let’s have a party to kick off the Summer Fun! Plan is to sail two Stilettos and take the powerboats out to the graveyard island for a swimming party with snacks and fun games. Kids sail their boats, Parents sail on the big boats
Opti Race Team Week 1
Show us what you know and Capsize Recovery Today is the only day you don’t need to be rigged by 2! Today we will be going over everything you know. The coaches are going to be the students and the students are going to be the coaches. This way we can design a program for […]
Opti Team Week 1 Island Party
Week 1 Friday Island Party All kids, parents, siblings are invited Let’s have a party to kick off the Summer Fun! Plan is to sail two Stilettos and take the powerboats out to the graveyard island for a swimming party with snacks and fun games. Kids sail their boats, Parents sail on the big boats
Opti Race Team Week 2
Right of way No one loves rules, but they keep us safe and our equipment in better shape. This week we will go over the rules of the road and how they keep us safe!
420 Team Week 2
420 Week 2 Right of way No one loves rules, but they keep us safe and our equipment in better shape. This week we will go over the rules of the road and how they keep us safe!
Opti Race Team Week 3
Sail trim To sail properly we have to be able to trim our sails in relation to where we are to the wind this week we will focus on how to trim our sails in relation to the wind.
420 Team Week 3
420 Week 3 sail trim To sail properly we have to be able to trim our sails in relation to where we are to the wind this week we will focus on how to trim our sails in relation to the wind. And how to trim and ease your sails together.
Opti Race Team Week 4
Boat handling This week we are shaking off the dust and putting in the work. Whether you’re new to boat handling or can roll tack like a pro. We will spend this week focusing on how to drive the boat with our bodies and make the most out of maneuvers.
420 Team Week 4
420 Week 4 boat handling This week we are shaking off the dust and putting in the work. Whether you’re new to boat handling or can roll tack like a pro. We will spend this week focusing on how to drive the boat with our bodies and make the most out of maneuvers.
Opti Race Team Week 5
We have a need for speed! Who does not like to sail fast! This week we will be working on sailing in a straight line on all points of sail.
420 Team Week 5
420 Week 5 speed We have a need for speed! Who does not like to sail fast! This week we will be working on sailing fast in a straight line on all points of sail.
Opti Race Team Week 6
Starting To be a successful sailboat racer you have to be able to start even or ahead without being over. We are going to focus on how to start and get off the line
420 Team Week 6
420 Week 6 starting To be a successful sailboat racer you have to be able to start even or ahead without being over. We are going to focus on how to start and get off the line
Sign up for Spring Sailing !!!!!
Register now for the best junior sailing program in the Outer Banks! Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced programs available on Optimist, 420, and Hobie 18 Catamarans! Programs begin April 2, 2022. Space is limited. First come first serve.
Roll Tack – optimist
Proper tacking form is key to boat handling and performance. The roll tack technique is the most performant and “coolest” way to make it through a tack in light wind conditions, and even in moderate conditions it helps you exit the tack without stalling.
Essential sailing knots
Learn the essential sailing knots: Figure 8 Bowline Square Knot Half Hitch Cleat Hitch Clove Hitch Double overhanded stopper Five essential sailing knots required for Optimist sailors and 420 sailors Square knot Half hitch Stopper knot Cleat hitch Bowline Knot combinations you should know: Dock pole 2 wraps and 2 half hitches Two half hitches […]
Optimist Class Sailboats
Why does Hatteras Sailing sail the Optimist Class? The Optimist Class sailboat has been the standard for youth and junior sailing programs for decades. The class was launched in 1947, and has a long history as the training boat on which the world’s best sailors learn the basics. The boat was designed and first built […]
Sailing Gear – team spirit, safety, and competition
Parents have asked about sailing specific gear. Here are some images, etc. Phillips BoatWorks (pHB) is a supplier for the leading manufacturer of dinghy sailing gear. If the club wants to put together an order, we can get some gear at competitive pricing. We can put together pricing as we get an order… PFD (life […]
Advanced Sailors – Week 3
Practice is July 4, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm for Advanced Sailors Time is passing fast so its time to dial it in, so you can get the most out of the Summer Session! Here is what we have in store for 4th of July Weekend. Don’t forget to try and get your own digital […]
Basic Race Course Starting Knowledge
STARTS are challenging and fun! If you are new to the sailboat racing world, it can really seem intimidating. Thats alright, dont let it intimidate you, because once you get it wired you will love the STARTS! In order not to overwhelm, we will begin with some rudimentary basics. More advanced starting topics and techniques […]
Intermediate Program – Week 1 Boat Parts
Boat Parts Rigging the boat, learning the parts of the boat. Chalk talk/hands on.Some of this will be information we have previously covered, but we will dive deeper. This should be the transition from coaches rigging the boats up to the students doing. Each week after, the kids will need to be “rigged and ready” […]
Intermediate Program – Week 2 Capsize Recovery
Capsize Recovery The goal here is to take the fear out of capsizing, we want every aspect of sailing to be fun, so we get everyone comfortable in the water, and righting their boat. Then it’s all just a game! We’ll involve some treasure to make it even more fun!
Intermediate Program – Week 3 Sail Trim
Sail Trim This week we will focus on getting the most out of our sails. We want the sailors to understand where the sail needs to be positioned for each point of sail.
Intermediate Program – Week 4 Upwind Sailing
Upwind Sailing We’ll do a short chalk talk then try it on the water. One of the hardest skills to learn is to sail into the direction of the wind, but it is one of the most important. If home is in the direction of the wind, you have to be able to get there.
Intermediate Program – Week 5 Buoy Course Sailing
Buoy Course Sailing This practice will work on our ability to make the boat go where we want it to go regardless of the wind direction – practical upwind and downwind sailing. This will also be our intro into racing, the kids will begin to learn how to make their way around a racecourse.
Intermediate Program – Week 6 Sail to beach
Fun, Fun, Fun We’ve got to have a little fun in the middle of all our hard work, so we’ll do some sailing and exploring and maybe some sweet treats. Big boats and Optis Stiletto and Optis sail to the island beach for fun and practical sailing in our local environment.
Intermediate Program – Week 7 Island Party & Race
Let’s put it all together and have a race. Followed by Island Party with the other club members and sailors. We will take all of the skills we have learned over the session and hit the racecourse. Everyone will have a chance to show off the skills they have learned. End of season awards ceremony […]
Invitational Program Plan (advanced)
Spring 2022 Every Weekly Class begins with chalk talk, a video lesson on form or tactics, or a guest coach speaking with the kiddos about advanced competitive sailing topics. Gear Advanced Sailors will likely sail in almost any weather that is safe to sail in. Please do not let the cost of the gear frighten […]
Beginner’s Program – Week 1 Island Party
Welcome Party – big boat sailing All kids, parents, siblings are invited Let’s have a party to kick off the Summer Fun! Plan is to sail two Stilettos and take the powerboats out to the graveyard island for a swimming party with snacks and fun games.
Beginner’s Program – Week 2 Capsize Recovery
Capsize recovery The goal here is to take the fear out of capsizing, we want every aspect of sailing to be fun, so we get everyone comfortable in the water, and righting their boat. Then it’s all just a game! We’ll involve some treasure to make it even more fun!
Beginner’s Program – Week 3 Lagoon pirates capture the flag
Boat Parts Chalk Talk 1. Play Game: Swabee, Get to work The captain draws an opti on chalk board, and asks the swabee to “mop” the deck, etc as a fun game to learn the boat parts Point to parts of boat and Kids point to them on it by asking them to do boat […]
Beginner’s Program – Week 4 Bubble Boats & Hidden treasures
Wind Direction and Speed Chalk Talk What is the wind? can we see the wind? How? How can we talk about wind direction? learning cardinal directions: North South East West If we say a “north” wind, which direction would that be? Upwind vs. downwind Get in the water 1. Play boat game: Bubble Boats This […]
Beginner’s Program – Week 5 Treasure hunters sail for gold
Boat Handling Chalk Talk Boat part review Wind review How the boat parts and wind work together What happens when we pull mainsheet, push tiller, how can we avoid the boom? Mainsheet Tiller Boom Get in the water Treasure Hunters Sailing Game Kids in boats with sails in light wind (no sails in heavy winds). […]
Beginner’s Program – Week 6 Lagoon sailing capture the flag
Boat Handling Part 2 Chalk Talk – review Engage kids in discussion of last weeks sailing and what they learned in action while handling their own boats. Review boat parts and handling. Introduce the idea of sail trim based on upwind vs downwind. How were you able to get the boat where you wanted it […]